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seismic force中文是什么意思

用"seismic force"造句"seismic force"怎么读"seismic force" in a sentence


  • 地震力
  • "seismic"中文翻译    adj. 地震(性)的;由地震引起的;易生地震的。 a ...
  • "force"中文翻译    n. 〔北英〕瀑布。
  • "design seismic force" 中文翻译 :    设计地震力
  • "horizontal seismic force" 中文翻译 :    水平地震力
  • "seismic driving force" 中文翻译 :    地震原动力
  • "seismic force for designing" 中文翻译 :    设计许用地震力
  • "seismic shear force" 中文翻译 :    地震剪切力
  • "shearing coefficient of seismic force" 中文翻译 :    地震载荷剪切系数
  • "vertical seismic force" 中文翻译 :    垂直震力
  • "seismic" 中文翻译 :    adj. 地震(性)的;由地震引起的;易生地震的。 a seismic area 震域;震区。 the seismic centre [focus, origin, vertical] 震源;震中,震央。 a seismic detector 地震检波器。 a seismic ray 地震线。 a seismic region 地震区。 adv. -cally
  • "seismic zoning, seismic regionalization" 中文翻译 :    地震区划
  • "be in force" 中文翻译 :    生效, 有效
  • "by force" 中文翻译 :    靠武力,强行; 凭借暴力,强迫地; 凭借暴力;强迫; 以武力; 用武力方式
  • "by force of" 中文翻译 :    凭借; 由于, 通过, 用...的手段
  • "force" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.力,势。 2.体力,气力,精力,魄力。 3.暴力,压力;兵力,武力。 4.〔pl.〕 部队,军队,兵力。 5.势力,威力;【法律】效力的约束,实施。 6.(语言、文字等的)确切意义,实质;要点;影响力,说服力,主动性。 7.【物理学】…力;势能。 force of character 人格的力量。 the force of habit 习惯势力。 the forces of nature 自然力。 the force of public opinion 舆论的威力。 with the force of a thunderbolt 以雷霆万钧之力。 a 12 force [12th-force] typhoon 十二级台风。 the air force 空军。 the armed forces 军队。 an assault force 【军事】突击队。 brutal force 暴力。 centrifugal force 离心力。 centripetal force 向心力。 democratic force 民主势力。 feudal force 封建势力。 interatomic force 原子间力。 the land force 陆军。 magnetic force 磁力。 the naval [sea] force 海军。 the [police] force 〔集合词〕警察。 the productive forces 生产力。 the relation of forces 力量的对比。 the social forces 社会势力。 a striking force 机动兵力。 a force to be reckoned with 不可忽视的力量。 by main force 用蛮力,全靠气力;凭暴力,强迫。 by (the) force of 由于,迫于;通过,靠…的力量 (by force of arms 用武力。 by force of habit 由于习惯。 by force of circumstances 由于环境。 by force of contrast 通过对比)。 by [with] force and arms 用武力。 cease to be in force 失效。 come [enter] into force 实行,生效。 in force 1. 有效,在有效期中。 2. 大举,大批地,大规模地。 in full force 用全力;发挥充分威力。 in great force 大举,大批地;精力充沛地。 join force with (军队)会师;(同人)联合,(与人)通力合作。 of no force 无效。 put in [into] force 施行,实施。 remain in force 在有效期中,仍然有效。 resort to force 诉诸武力。 put up a show of force 示威。 take by force 【军事】夺取,武力侵占。 with all one's force 尽全力,竭力。 with much force 极有力地,效力卓著地。 vt. 1.强制,迫使,逼迫。 2.强力夺取,攻克。 3.强行,强加。 4.推动。 5.竭力提高,抬高,加快。 6.勒索;强奸。 7.迫使(对手)出某张牌,迫出(某张牌)。 8.(通过温室栽培等)促成(植物)早熟[发育、生长];加速(学生的)学业。 force sb. to do [into doing, into an action] 强迫某人做某事。 They were forced to leave the town. 他们被迫离开该城。 force an action 【军事】迫使敌人作战。 force an entry 强行进入。 force a passage 强行通过。 force one's strength 硬使劲。 force a smile 强颜欢笑,苦笑。 force one's voice 提高嗓门。 force one's appetites 勉强吃,硬吃。 force one's way into 闯进。 force one's way through a crowd 由人群中挤过去。 force sb.'s hand 逼使摊牌;逼人过早行动。 force the bidding (拍卖时)抬价。 force the game (板球赛时)硬冒险。 force the pace [running] (赛跑时)为使对手疲劳而尽力快跑。 adj. -less 无力的,较弱的。 ? ? n. 〔北英〕瀑布。
  • "force of will" 中文翻译 :    意志之力; 愿望之力; 之力
  • "force on" 中文翻译 :    压入
  • "force…on" 中文翻译 :    把…强加给…
  • "in force" 中文翻译 :    (法律)有效的;大批地; (法律上的)有效的; 大规模地; 生效,有效,在实施中,大量的; 现行的; 有效,实施中; 有效,在实施中; 有效的,大批; 再实施中; 在施行中; 在有效期中
  • "t-force" 中文翻译 :    机器部队
  • "(be)in force" 中文翻译 :    有效,实施
  • "anti seismic" 中文翻译 :    抗地震的
  • "anti-seismic" 中文翻译 :    adj. 抗地震的。
  • "borehole seismic" 中文翻译 :    井下地震
  • "offshore seismic" 中文翻译 :    海上地震


  • The dynamic loading resulting from blast, gusts of wind, or seismic forces is generally not harmonic .
  • Factually there is no assurance for ductility in this coefficient . furthermore , the seismic force is comparatively lower in design than in fact . both of them necessarily increase the seismic risk
  • The paper is concerned with aseismic behaviour of the shear wall structure with steel reinforced concrete ( src ) and reinforced concrete ( rc ) supporting frames and girder transfer floor under horizontal load of seismic force
    框支剪力墙结构的特点是“上刚下柔” ,即上部楼层的侧向刚度大于下部楼层,不利于抗震。
  • The passed - joint hypo - beam as the first line of defence organization against horizontal force ineluctably bear most curves during the first period under the seismic force , which ca n ' t be balanced by the pre - stressing force of the pre - stressed hypo - beam , therefore , the first crack will occur on it ' s end and at last develop into the plastic - hinge
    2 、通过本次试验,并结合他人的一些研究成果,我们应该可以认为边梁扭矩对节点的受力性能是有利的。弯、剪、扭的受力机制并不会使节点的抗震性能有明显的降低。
  • For architectural requirements , residnces have many walls . as a result it is comparatively resonable that sub - high rise residences are frame - wall structures or shear wall structures we a1l know that shear wall structures have large sectional area and the capability of bearing vertical loads is respectively high . nevertheless , under seismic forces they have large inertia forces and small lateral displacemente
  • Using the model parameter from the dynamical experiment , the integrated parameters can be disassembled , thus the structure ' s frequency and the influencing coefficient of their oscillation mode are solved . it ' s tested from the model experiments and fem that the model given by the article has the virtue of explicit concept and convenient method and high accuracy , and it can give reference to evaluate the load capacity of bridge . in the end , in order to assess the existing bridge ' s seismic resistance performance , force reduction factor with ductility is recommended to reflect the seismic force of the structure during the elastic and plastic periods
  • Considering that the traditional cast - in - situ r . c . shear wall structure has such disadvantages as large self - weight , stiffness and seismic forces , poor ductility and energy wasting , the subject puts forward a new type of hollow shear wall of r . c . stucture with seams which has the advantages of not only high bearing capacity but also small self - weight , stiffness and good ductility and so on . it is a new kind of earthquake resistant and energy - saving structure
  • At last , take a three - storeyed and two - span reinforced concrete frame as example , its damage value under cyclic load at different time is computed by the program . and the damage evolution curve of different element and whole structure is also obtained . as result the damage evolution law of reinforced concrete structure under cyclic load is found , which provides basis for the study of collapsing mechanism of reinforced structure under seismic force
  • On the basis of the theory and computing method in this paper , the author worked out corresponding program to compute hysteretic model on section and damage value of the structure under seismic force at different time . then the numerical simulation of the collapsing process of reinforced concrete structure is thus realized
    基于本文提出的理论和计算方法,笔者用visualc + +语言编制了计算截面恢复力模型及结构在地震力作用下不同时刻损伤值的相应程序,实现了地震力作用下钢筋混凝土框架结构倒塌过程的数值模拟。
  • Stability of seismic resistance and dynamic response analysis for ash dams . by psedo - static analysis and seismic dynamic response analysis with fem , safety coefficient under designed seismic force , stress , strain and acceleration amplification factor have been provided . based on upper analysis , related computing program has been provided . by applying it to the ash dams of qinghe power plant , good agreement has been found between calculation results and real conditions
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